Thursday, June 28, 2007

Media Statement - Another Mockery to Malaysia's Judicial System


27 Jun 2007


Pembebasan Tan Sri Eric Chia semalam menjadi satu lagi bukti bagaimana sejak Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjadi Perdana Menteri beliau gagal mengotakan janjinya untuk memerangi gejala rasuah.

Kesungguhan mahkamah untuk membuktikan bahawa pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes terhadap Eric Chia langsung tidak munasabah memandangkan wujud bukti salahlaku yang jelas di dalam kes ini. Mutu siasatan yang dijalankan terhadap skandal serius ini juga amat

Sebaliknya, saya telah mengumpulkan fakta yang cukup lengkap sebagai bukti rasuah dan penyelewengan berdasarkan laporan audit Price Waterhouse Coopers. Bahan-bahan ini telah melibatkan Chia di dalam pelbagai kegiatan bertentangan dengan undang-undang daripada melupuskan dana sehinggalah pembayaran yuran yang tinggi dan tanpa sebab kepada firma guaman Datuk VK Lingam.

Dengan rekod sistem kehakiman negara yang telah tercemar, memang tidak mengejutkan bahawa perbicaraan ini akan berakhir dengan pembebasan selepas sandiwara yang begitu berpanjangan. Apabila wujud bukti rasuah yang jelas dan tidak dapat dipertikaikan Peguam Negara telah mengenepikannya, kesalahan di mana beliau dan Ketua BPR sepatutnya
meletak jawatan atau disiasat segera.
Ketika kita di ambang apa yang dijangkakan pilihan raya wal, rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya memahami niat dan matlamat kerajaan Barisan Nasional dengan jelas. Rasuah masih lagi cara pilihan kita, dan retorik anti-rasuah hanyalah untuk digunakan untuk kempen politik
tetapi akan dilupakan apabila melibatkan kepentingan mereka sendiri.

Pada masa yang sama, kita boleh menjangkakan berbilion-bilion ringgit yang diselewengkan daripada Perwaja, Transmile dan lain-lain skandal, wang yang sepatutnya diperuntukkan untuk membasmi kemiskinan, pendidikan dan kesihatan akan terus berada di dalam kocek perasuah dan penjenayah yang terus bermaharajalela di negara kita.



27 June 2007


Tan Sri Eric Chia's acquittal yesterday offers yet another stark reminder that since coming to power in 2003 Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's anti-corruption drive has been an utter failure.

The Court's determination that the prosecution failed to present a compelling case against the former Perwaja chief is wholly unsatisfactory. At the same time, the quality of investigation over
this serious scandal has also been disappointing.

On the contrary, I have adduced substantive facts as evidence of corruption and malfeasance based on audit reports issued by Price Waterhouse Coopers. These documents implicate Chia in a wide range of illegal activities ranging from misappropriation of funds to the payment of exorbitant and unsubstantiated fees to Datuk VK Lingam's law firm.

Given the unreliable conduct of Malaysia's judicial system it was no stretch of the imagination to predict, as I did in 2004, that the trial would end in acquittal after many meaningless hours of theatrics. Where evidence of corruption was clear and incontrovertible the Attorney General systematically suppressed it, a sin for which both he and the Chief of the Anti Corruption Agency
should immediately tender their resignations or face immediate investigations.

On the eve of what many believe will be early elections, the Malaysian people should be clear in their understanding of the current government's aims and intentions. Corruption remains the preferred style of doing business, and talk of anti-corruption is merely a banner to be waved at press conferences and political rallies but conveniently ignored when one of its own is brought to task.

In the meantime, we can expect the billions of stolen ringgit from Perwaja, Transmile and other Enron-like scandals, money that should be allocated towards poverty alleviation, education, and healthcare, will stay in the pockets of the corrupt and crooked who rule this land.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

PARIS of the East


Lebanon is a destination country for the trafficking of Asians and Africans for the purpose of domestic servitude and for Eastern European and Syrian women trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Lebanese children are trafficked within the country for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Women from Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Ethiopia migrate to Lebanon legally, but often find themselves subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude as domestic servants. Many suffer physical and sexual abuse, non-payment of wages, threats, and withholding of passports. Eastern European and Syrian women come to Lebanon on "artiste" visas, but some become victims of forced prostitution.


2007 State Department report on human trafficking in Lebanon
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Devil's Spiral - Lebanon fighting spreads

Lebanese army helicopters have joined in
the assault on Fatah al-Islam [AFP]

Fighting has spread to a second Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon after an army checkpoint near Ain al-Hilweh in the south was attacked by rocket-propelled grenades.

The attack and ensuing fighting wounded five people and came as troops continued their latest assault against Fatah al-Islam fighters at Nahr al-Bared in the north on Sunday.

Lebanese families mourn army soldiers - 03 June 07

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